Oops – I Went Off Plan

Oops – I Went Off Plan

Posted on 12. Jul, 2017 by in Best Secrets, Recipes

Perhaps the biggest question we get from the Contact Us form has to do with making a mistake or making a poor food choice.  Here are the 2 most common:

1) I ate “bad stuff” or “the wrong things”

2) I went out drinking with friends. What can I do?

The answer is the same for both.  Get back on plan immediately, and don’t look back.  Go forward “on plan” and eat correctly.

As long as you are “on plan” 90% of the time, you should do fine.

Spark it up to gain energy and stay hydrated as you get back on plan.

Thought I would share a little “secret recipe” that has really worked for me.

If I need to jump start myself back in gear after a “hiccup”, here is what I do.  This is just my personal method, but it has had great results.  I have a meal that is very high in fiber and nutrients.  I try to have something very colorful that has the freshest and best looking veggies and fruit.  Here is a meal I had a few days ago that follows this pattern.  Two fresh hard boiled jumbo eggs (still warm with fresh cracked pepper), steamed asparagus (natural diuretic), small amount of steamed broccoli, baby cukes, yellow pepper, orange cherry tomatoes.  Bowl of beautiful raspberries and blackberries (most fibrous fruit).  You can vary the fruits and veggies, and you can substitute with PLAIN grilled chicken or turkey.  I think you can see the pattern here.

Let us know if you try this and if it works for you.  Take a photo or describe what you had.



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