Low Calorie Satisfying Salad

Low Calorie Satisfying Salad

Posted on 23. Jan, 2011 by in Recipes

Here is a low calorie shrimp salad that has lots of opportunities for modification.

We will start with the basic recipe, and at the end, we will offer a few suggestions to tweak this to your own taste.

In a large bowl add the following:

  • Generous amount of lettuce mix (ours is romaine, arugula, escarole, radicchio)
  • sliced baby cucumber
  • bite size pieces of red, yellow or orange pepper
  • steamed asparagus
  • grape tomatoes
  • steamed broccoli
  • 4-6 ounces steamed shrimp

Ad 1-2 tablespoons of dressing (be sure to measure – some people don’t realize that they may be putting more than double the amount of dressing they think they are) and mix well.   For the dressing, we used 1.5 tablespoons of Hellman’s Canola mayo(half the calories and fat, but still tastes good) mixed with a pinch of salt and curry powder to taste.

Here are some alternatives:

  1. Instead of shrimp, you can use plain grilled chicken, or 2 hard boiled eggs.
  2. You can add other veggies like mushrooms and cabbage.
  3. If you don’t like curry dressing, you can use oil and vinegar, or a dressing that is low in calories, carbs and sodium like Walden Farms Raspberry Vinaigrette Calorie Free Dressing.

You can add this to your repertoire of easy dinners, and this is a great one if you are on a stall since it is low in calories, and high in fiber.  Fresh fruit for dessert is the perfect complement.

This recipe is good for all phases of 24 Day Challenge.

One Response to “Low Calorie Satisfying Salad”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Shannon Hale, Advocare Tips. Advocare Tips said: Low Calorie Satisfying Salad – perfect for Advocare plan. http://bit.ly/g9ZFhJ […]

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